Celebrating 25 years of AFAC while looking to the future
The 2018 Livestock Care Conference marks a milestone as AFAC celebrates 25 years.
Welcome messages for the conference provided perspective on 25 years of progress, touching on the evolution of AFAC and farm animal care as well as the importance of continued collaboration and progress moving ahead.
Perspectives on progress
“AFAC is such an integral part of our livestock industry in Alberta today,” says Dianne Finstad, agriculture and rodeo reporter and longtime friend to agriculture in Alberta, who served as MC for the conference. “When we think about AFAC being formed 25 years ago, there is quite a legacy of progress to reflect upon. A quarter century is something to be proud of. It shows AFAC has staying power as an organization. It has a strong past. It has an important future.”
“Conferences like this are so important,” says Jamie Curran, Assistant Deputy Minister of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. “They are an opportunity for people and organizations with common goals and challenges to collaborate and discuss solutions. This year is especially significant as AFAC’s 25th anniversary. This milestone is an impressive achievement for any organization especially the first farm animal care group in all of Canada. It’s a perfect occasion to honor the past, learn together and to look to the future. In Alberta we’re fortunate to have an organization like AFAC dedicated to bringing the livestock industry together to advance and promote responsible animal care.”
“This year’s Livestock Care Conference is about celebrating the last 25 years and looking forward,” says Annemarie Pedersen, AFAC Executive Director. “It’s a great time to take stock of where we are today and where we want to go in the future. It’s an exciting time to be in the livestock sector. As a group we have a real opportunity to do something important and special together.”
“I’m so happy to be here today,” says Susan Church, founding Manager of AFAC. “Wow . . . 25 years . . . imagine. I am so proud to have been a part of this progressive and action-based organization. There have been so many pivotal moments and so many people who have played a role in supporting this organization and driving it forward. The people in this room are an example of that continued support today. The future is bright and we look forward to another 25 years and beyond for AFAC.”