Upcoming Webinars to Help Clear Confusion over Amended Transportation Regulations
Recent amendments to the Humane Transportation of Animals regulations took effect on February 20th, 2020, with two years to fully phase-in enforcement. These regulations impact everyone that is involved in transporting livestock, including producers, transporters, auction markets, abattoirs, etc.
Click image to view full screen. Image credit to CFIA.
In an effort to inform and clarify these regulations for stakeholders, Alberta Farm Animal Care will be hosting webinars with Anne Allen, a CFIA Veterinary Program Officer/Analyst. Each session will focus on a specific species or will apply to specific stakeholder, such as transporters.
The first two sessions have been scheduled for:
- Wednesday, September 9th in partnership with Alberta Pork
- Tuesday, September 22nd in partnership with Alberta Beef Producers
Other sessions are in the planning stages and will be announced as they are confirmed. Webinars are free, and will be open to producers and other stakeholders. We hope to see producers from across Canada join. These regulations apply to everyone and we must all be aware of them.
More information and registration is available at https://www.afac.ab.ca/programs-and-events/events/