Alberta Farm Animal Care Association
Listing Category
Companion animal, Rabbit, Bison, Llama/Alpaca, Sheep, Goat, Honey Bees, Chickens, Pigs, Cattle, horses

Preventative medicine, Emergency services, Euthanasia, Routine procedures (i.e. castration), Calving, kidding, lambing, etc.

780 672 3171
Postal Code
T4V 0Z6
4712 41 St, Camrose, AB
How often do you provide services to the species you have selected?
Companion animals - multiples times daily, rabbits - weekly, bison - a couple times a year, lamas/alpacas- couple times a year, sheep/goats - at least montly, bees - yearly, chickens - a few times a year, pigs - a few times a year, cattle - daily, horses - at least once a month
How far you are willing to travel from your clinic to on-farm sites (km radius)

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